Verisign Signs on as ARIN’s First Paid Premier Support Plan Customer

Verisign Signs on as ARIN’s First Paid Premier Support Plan Customer

As part of our customer-focused approach to serving the community, ARIN introduced the Premier Support Plan (PSP) in May 2021 and gave our largest customers access to white-glove service options such as a dedicated account manager, prioritized ticket processing, a direct technical services liaison and more. Last month we opened this concierge service to a wider ARIN audience, offering organizations in an XL or smaller Registration Services Plan (RSP) the opportunity to enroll at an annual cost of $5,000 and receive the same suite of white-glove services that organizations in a 2XL or larger RSP have enjoyed since the PSP’s launch.

We are now excited to welcome Verisign as our first paid Premier Support Plan customer to be receiving the enhanced ARIN service it provides. Founded in 1995, Verisign is a global provider of domain name registry services and Internet infrastructure that enables Internet navigation by providing resolution service for many of the most recognized domain names on the Internet. It also operates two of the 13 global Internet root servers and performs the Root Zone Maintainer function on behalf of ICANN.

Why did Verisign decide to enroll in the Premier Support Plan? It comes down to a goal shared with ARIN: securing the Internet’s global routing system.

“ARIN’s PSP will enable Verisign to leverage priority services and direct technical liaison support in order to more quickly resolve operational issues associated with critical services that ARIN operates for their membership, including IRR and RPKI services,” said Danny McPherson, Verisign’s Head of Technology and Security. “As ARIN continues to enhance their 24/7 availability and broader operational capabilities, Verisign will be better positioned to serve our own customers.”

Noting the need for Regional Internet Registries’ (RIRs) operational capabilities to evolve in parallel with those of parties relying on their infrastructure — including increasingly critical Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) and Internet Routing Registries (IRRs) — Danny sees the PSP as evidence of ARIN’s evolving commitment to its membership and the public interest to meet this demand: “It is yet another welcome step in supporting our common mission objectives.”

In light of the increasingly important role that ARIN services play in customer operations, the Premier Support Plan is a logical next step in elevating the level of service ARIN provides. “We are pleased to extend this service to Verisign and welcome them to the PSP program,” said John Curran, ARIN’s President and CEO. “Their participation in this program will enable us to provide more focused staff and resources to meet their needs as they work to enable the security, stability, and resiliency of key internet infrastructure and services.”

We look forward to offering the extended services of the PSP to more resource holders of all sizes. Any customer who holds Internet number resources with ARIN under a Registration Services Plan or Legacy Registration Services Plan is eligible to enroll in the Premier Support Plan via ARIN Online.

To learn more about the PSP, please visit the Premier Support Plan page.

To learn more about what it means to be Powered by Verisign, visit

Post written by:

Christina Paladeau
Social Media and Content Specialist

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