ARIN 50 Day 2 Recap

ARIN 50 Day 2 Recap

That’s a wrap on ARIN 50! Today marked the second and final day of our hybrid Public Policy and Members Meeting. As usual, it seemed to come and go in a flash. We enjoyed networking with friends old and new in Hollywood, California, and virtually. Here’s a quick summary of the final events of ARIN 50.

A Famously Good Time

Last night, in-person attendees had the opportunity to socialize with each other, continue discussions sparked by the meeting, and rub elbows with some “celebrities” and reenact iconic movie moments at Madame Tussauds Hollywood wax museum.

ARIN 50 Social at Madame Tussauds Hollywood wax museum
Photo by David Jeffers CC BY-NC-SA

Policy Block, Take 2

After breakfast and opening announcements, we got straight to business and entered our second of three policy blocks of the meeting. Advisory Council members presented each policy and then opened the floor for community members both in person and joining us virtually to provide input on the following draft policies:

Policy Discussion

Where do you go to view legacy IP space? The ARIN space museum! With the day’s initial policy discussions concluding sooner than scheduled, we had time for a few topical jokes — like that one shared by Board of Trustees Chair Bill Sandiford — before fast forwarding in our agenda to fit in some of this afternoon’s presentations.

Leif Sawyer, AC Chair, stepped up first to present the Advisory Council Report. He also took a moment to thank Joe Provo, Alyssa Quinn, and Kerrie Richards for their service on the AC, noting that all of them will leave behind a lasting impression on the policy manual, the community, the AC, the Board, and the staff of ARIN when their terms end 31 December 2022. They were met with an enthusiastic standing ovation by the audience.

Nancy Carter, Board Treasurer, took the stage next to explain the state of our finances in her always-anticipated Financial Report, and she answered several follow-up questions from community members with the help of ARIN President and CEO John Curran.

Nancy Carter presents the Financial Report

Policy Block, Take 3

After a short coffee break, we circled back to policy and tackled the final block of ARIN 50 — that’s a dozen policies on the docket in total, in case you weren’t counting! The last four were:

Final Scenes

Kevin Blumberg, NRO Number Council Chair, updated us on the ICANN Address Supporting Organization Address Council (ASO AC), and shared a reminder to vote in the current NRO NC election, before Bill Sandiford gave the final presentation of ARIN 50 with his Board of Trustees Report. Bill also offered thanks and prompted rounds of applause for the Clarity Experiences production team and ARIN staff working onsite and online to facilitate our hybrid meeting format, for Catherine Middleton for her service on the Board, and for Martin Hannigan for his time on the ASO AC/NRO NC.

John Curran then officially closed ARIN 50 by thanking our sponsors — Zayo, Google, and IPv4.Global — for their support and encouraging everyone to save the date for ARIN 51 in Tampa, participate in the meeting survey for the chance to win an iPad air, and vote in this year’s ARIN Elections. Voting is now open and closes Friday, 28 October, at 7:00 PM ET.

ARIN Members Walk of Fame star

The End

You can read a recap from Day 1 of the meeting as well as reference the slides, transcripts, and webcasts from throughout the meeting as they are posted on the Meeting Materials and Report page.

Be sure to use the #ARIN50 hashtag and tag us @TeamARIN on Twitter and Facebook and @ARIN on LinkedIn when sharing about your meeting experience on social media! And don’t forget to mark your calendars for ARIN 51 in Tampa, Florida, 16-19 April 2023. Stay tuned to the ARIN Blog, follow us on Twitter, or subscribe to our arin-announce mailing list for information on registration and on the ARIN 51 Fellowship Program.

Post written by:

Christina Paladeau
Social Media and Content Specialist

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