ARIN Bits: September 2023

ARIN Bits: September 2023

The temps and the leaves may just be starting to fall, but it has been crunch time for a while around here! Following a nonstop second quarter, July, August, and September have also included a full harvest of upgrades, programs, deployments, and documents. In this edition of Bits we share important updates from this past quarter and details about upcoming items, including: how to get involved in next month’s Public Policy and Members Meeting and ARIN Elections; the new Qualified Facilitator Program and Number Resource Policy Manual; this year’s grant recipients; industry events on our calendar; and much more. So cozy up and rake in all the latest info on what’s happening at ARIN and in our community.

Missed any previous editions? Find all past ARIN Bits posted on the blog.

In This Edition

Familiarize Yourself with Upcoming Fee Schedule Changes

A new ARIN Fee Schedule reflecting proposed modifications and community feedback collected from the Community Consultation that concluded on 30 July 2023 has been adopted by the ARIN Board of Trustees. New fees will be reflected in invoices due on and after 1 January 2024.

Last year ARIN transitioned end user customers to the Registration Services Plan (RSP) fee schedule, based on total IPv4 and IPv6 resources held, to ensure costs were distributed in an equitable manner by eliminating the fee differentiation between ISP and end user organizations. Now ARIN is completing the fee harmonization process by transitioning Autonomous System Numbers (ASNs) to the RSP Fee Schedule and removing the $550 ASN issuance fee for new ASNs.

Learn more in the announcement of this change and view the new Fee Schedule here.

If you have additional questions, please contact or submit them via Ask ARIN while logged in to your ARIN Online account.

Meet the 2023 ARIN Election Candidates

Get to Know the Candidates for the 2023 ARIN Elections

As part of the Bylaws revision allowing for expansion of the Board of Trustees from six to nine elected Trustees, there is one new seat up for election this year. So, the 2023 elections will fill three full-term seats on the Board along with a one-year term seat — the remaining term of a seat vacated via resignation earlier this year. For the Advisory Council (AC), there are five full-term seats and two additional seats with one-year terms to fill. All those elected this year will serve terms beginning 1 January 2024.

Elections for these Board and AC seats will be held online from 3:00 PM ET on Thursday, 19 October, to 7:00 PM ET on Friday, 27 October 2023.

The Nomination Committee has put forward the 2023 Slate of Candidates for the terms beginning 1 January 2024.

Participate in the Process

At this time, you can view a compilation of candidate biographies and questionnaire responses and submit Statements of Support for the candidates. Plus, all candidates for the Board and AC were offered the opportunity to subscribe to the General Members Mailing List, where they can be available to answer questions from the voting community. If your organization is a General Member at ARIN and plans to vote this year, you’re encouraged to join the mailing list to be part of the dialogue with candidates and stay informed of ARIN Election activity.

Ensure Voting Eligibility

To vote in the 2023 ARIN Election, organizations must have been a General Member in Good Standing and had a designated Voting Contact with a valid ARIN Online account as of 4 September 2023. Voting Contacts can be updated until seven days before the election; this year that deadline is 3:00 PM ET on 12 October 2023.

Prepare for the Legacy Fee Cap Expiration

Prepare for the Legacy Fee Cap Expiration

If your organization holds legacy Internet number resources not under an ARIN Registration Services Agreement (RSA), time is running out to take advantage of reduced fees for those resources. The legacy fee cap, which limits annual maintenance fees for legacy resources, will expire on 1 January 2024. By signing a Legacy Registration Services Agreement (LRSA) before this deadline, you can lock in significantly lower fees while gaining access to ARIN’s routing security services, governance participation opportunities, and other membership benefits.

For additional information about LRSAs and services available to organizations holding legacy resources, visit the Legacy Resources page on our website and read this post on our blog: “Legacy Resource Holders Have Limited Time Left to Lock in Lower Fees.”

If your organization is a governmental entity or similar institution, view specific guidance on the information required for ARIN to consider limited modifications to the LRSA.

Here’s a tip from RSD

A Tip From Our Registration Services Department

IPv4 Waiting List

ARIN frequently receives questions regarding the IPv4 Waiting List, so we wanted to address some of the ones we hear most often.

Q: How do I get on the IPv4 Waiting List?
A: Eligible organizations can submit an IPv4 request form from within ARIN Online. ARIN policy (section 4.1.8) indicates an organization is eligible to apply if it doesn’t hold more than a /20 equivalent of IPv4 direct allocations and it has not received a distribution from the Waiting List within the previous 90 days.

Q: How long will it take for me to receive IPv4 addresses from the Waiting List?
A: IPv4 Waiting List requests are filled with IPv4 addresses voluntarily returned or otherwise reclaimed. Because returns and reclamations are very sporadic, ARIN cannot predict if or when IPv4 addresses will become available. Nor can we predict if or when a request on the Waiting List could be filled. We do, however, publish a full list of requests currently on the IPv4 Waiting List so you can see what the oldest request is.

Q: Where is my request on the IPv4 Waiting List?
A: You can verify your position on the IPv4 Waiting List based on the date and time stamp noted in the Ticket Details of your request; compare this to the date and time listed on the IPv4 Waiting List.

Q: Can I transfer IPv4 addresses received from the IPv4 Waiting List?
A: IPv4 addresses received from the Waiting List cannot be transferred for 60 months, with the exception of Section 8.2 transfers, in accordance with policy requirements as outlined in section 4.1.8 of the Number Resource Policy Manual.

Learn About the 2023 Community Grant Program Recipients

For the fifth year in a row, the ARIN Community Grant Program has provided funding for projects that improve the Internet and make positive contributions to the Internet community in the ARIN region. We recently announced the three projects that have been selected to receive a grant this year. You can learn more about the work they plan to do in this post on the blog.

If you’re interested in applying for a grant next year, we will issue a call for applications in the spring of 2024. Information on how to apply will be posted to our ARIN Community Grant Program page, and we will send out an email via the arin-announce Mailing List once the application period opens.

Join us for ARIN 52

Join Us for ARIN 52 in San Diego or From Home

Have you registered for ARIN 52 yet? Our fall Public Policy and Members Meeting is just around the corner! Join us 19-20 October in person at the Loews Coronado Bay Resort in San Diego, California — directly following NANOG 89 in the same location — or virtually from wherever is convenient for you.

We’re continually refining the processes, tools, and engagement opportunities at our meeting to ensure a rich experience for both onsite attendees and virtual participants joining us via the Zoom webinar platform. We hope you’re able to join us! ARIN 52 will be an excellent opportunity to discuss draft Internet number resource policies, participate in technical discussions, learn more about ARIN services and operations, and network with colleagues. Plus, be sure to tune in for the 2023 ARIN Elections candidate speeches on Thursday afternoon.

Ready to start planning for ARIN 52? Head to these links:

For hotel details, travel information, and more, visit the ARIN 52 website.

Know Before You Go

Save the date for the ARIN 52 Meeting Orientation and policy preview on Thursday, 12 October, from 2:00 to 3:00 PM ET. You will have the option of signing up for this virtual session during your registration for ARIN 52. We welcome all first-time ARIN meeting attendees — or anyone who just needs a refresher — to join us to find out how to make the most of your meeting experience.

Meet the ARIN 52 Fellows And See What They’ll Be Up To

Speaking of ARIN 52, it’s time to introduce our next cohort of ARIN Fellows! We’re excited to welcome a new crew of community members into our Fellowship Program. Fourteen Fellows will participate in two virtual sessions, held via Zoom on 28 September and 5 October, as well as the meeting orientation before participating at ARIN 52. The virtual sessions will provide Fellows the opportunity to get immersed in the work of ARIN through presentations, discussions, and Q&As with ARIN leadership so they can feel ready to take an active part in the upcoming meeting.

Read the blog post about this fall’s Fellowship Program to get to know the selected Fellows, meet the mentors who will be guiding them, find out about other special guests joining the sessions, and get a look at the agenda. 

Find ARIN at Upcoming Industry Meetings and Community Events

In addition to the ARIN events we host — like the upcoming Public Policy and Members Meeting and our ARIN on the Road workshops — we attend many community events where you can join us to hear updates and presentations, ask us questions, get help with your ARIN account and resources, and more. Here’s where you can find us in the next few months:

For a full list of the events ARIN will be participating in, visit our Community Event Calendar online.

Current Draft Policies and Proposals

Number Title Current Version Status Staff/Legal Review(s) Community Presentation
ARIN-2022-12 Direct Assignment Language Update 5 September 2023 Draft Policy 21 September 2023 ARIN 50, ARIN 51
ARIN-2023-1 Retire Slow Start 23 May 2023 Draft Policy None None
ARIN-2023-2 /26 initial IPv4 allocation for IXPs 20 June 2023 Draft Policy None None
ARIN-2023-3 Amendment of the waitlist agreement to include a restriction on leasing 20 June 2023 Draft Policy None None
ARIN-2023-4 Modernization of Registration Requirements 21 September 2023 Draft Policy None None
ARIN-2023-5 Clean-up of NRPM Sections 4.3.4, 4.4, 4.10 and 6.10.1 14 August 2023 Draft Policy None None
ARIN-2023-6 ARIN Waitlist Qualification 16 August 2023 Draft Policy None None
ARIN-2023-7 Clarification of NRPM Sections 4.5 and 6.11 Multiple Discrete Networks and the addition of new Section 2.18 Organizational Identifier (Org ID) 17 August 2023 Draft Policy None None

Find the status of current policy discussions on our website and subscribe to the ARIN-PPML (Public Policy Mailing List) to voice your opinions. Remember, membership is not required to participate!

Review the New Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM)

The ARIN Board of Trustees adopted the following policies at its meeting on 18 July 2023:

These policies are now in effect; the latest version of the ARIN Number Resource Policy Manual (NRPM 2023.2), effective as of 13 September 2023, is available here. Interested in learning more about the ARIN Policy Development Process? Check out a video overview here!

Get Transfer Support from ARIN Qualified Facilitators

Get Transfer Support from ARIN Qualified Facilitators

If your organization needs IPv4 address space but is unsure of where to obtain it, has unused IPv4 address space but is unsure of the organization to transfer it to, or simply needs assistance understanding and managing the resource transfer process, using an ARIN Qualified Facilitator may be a good option. The Qualified Facilitator Program replaced the Specified Transfer Listing Service (STLS), which was retired on 1 June 2023. ARIN’s approved Qualified Facilitators can act as valuable resources, assisting client organizations in navigating IPv4 and Autonomous System Number (ASN) transfer processes efficiently and in compliance with ARIN policy.

Learn more on the blog: “Introducing ARIN’s Qualified Facilitator Program.”

Read the Latest (and Previous) Release Notes

ARIN’s goal is to allow individuals and organizations to manage their ARIN records, requests, and correspondence online, and we regularly make updates to its software and systems, including ARIN Online, to maintain and improve those capabilities. You can view a full list of these implemented functionalities on our Software Releases page, which provides links to the full release notes for each deployment.

Want to know what’s coming down the pike? For a list of upcoming ARIN Online functionality, visit the Planned ARIN Online Functionality page. You are encouraged to provide input on future upgrades and services, as information gleaned from community feedback is used by ARIN management to help prioritize future work. Subscribe to the Consultations Mailing List to be alerted of opportunities to comment on proposed additional functionality and new services.

Recent Posts on the ARIN Blog

Post written by:

Christina Paladeau
Social Media and Content Specialist

Recent blogs categorized under: ARIN Bits

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