ARIN Bits: December 2023

ARIN Bits: December 2023

It’s the most wonderful time of the year: ARIN Bits time! In this edition we share important updates from this past quarter and details about upcoming events, including: reminders, results, reports, and Resource Public Key Infrastructure, along with Fellowship Program applications, upcoming industry events, and much more. Cozy up and read on for all the latest news from ARIN. We hope you enjoy the hap-happiest season of all!

Missed any previous editions? Find all past ARIN Bits posted on the blog.

In This Edition

Please Welcome Your Newly Elected Volunteers!

The 2023 ARIN Election cycle for the Board of Trustees and Advisory Council ended on 27 October and the winners were announced on 30 October. We’d like to congratulate those elected by the community in an election that saw the highest ever total numbers of both General Member organizations and voting contacts participating. Thank you to all those who took part in the election process this year — we look forward to your continued community involvement.

Here are your newly elected or reelected (R) volunteers for 2024:

Board of Trustees

  • Dan Alexander
  • Nancy Carter (R)
  • Tina Morris (R)
  • Chris Tacit (one-year partial term)

Advisory Council

  • Douglas Camin (R)
  • Matthew Gamble (one-year partial term)
  • Elizabeth Goodson
  • Kaitlyn Pellak
  • Leif Sawyer (R)
  • Daniel Schatte (one-year partial term)
  • Matthew Wilder (R)

NRO Number Council
This year was an appointment year for the NRO Number Council seat from the ARIN region. As announced on 19 October 2023, Kevin Blumberg was reappointed by the Board of Trustees and will begin serving on 1 January 2024 for another three-year term.

Catch Up on Everything From ARIN 52

ARIN 52 was held 19-20 October in San Diego, California, and online. If you were unable to attend, missed a session, or would like to refer back to anything that was shared, you can view the ARIN 52 Meeting Report, which includes videos, transcripts, presentations, and daily recaps. And a big thank you to everyone who participated in making the meeting a success!

We’re already gearing up for ARIN 53, which is scheduled for 14-17 April 2024 in tropical Bridgetown, Barbados. Registration will open soon, and we hope to see you there either virtually or in person!

ARIN achieves SOC 2 Type 2 and PCI DSS certifications

We’re SOC 2 Type 2 and PCI DSS Certified!

Remember our announcement of ARIN’s successful completion of the Service Organization Control (SOC 2) Type 1 audit at the beginning of the year? Now we’re proud to have further advanced our information security certifications. We have successfully completed the SOC 2 Type 2 audit for our Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) and demonstrated compliance with the PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) for ARIN Online.

Read this blog post from Christian Johnson, Chief Information Security Officer, to learn more about ARIN’s SOC 2 Type 2 and PCI DSS certifications.

For more information on ARIN’s security practices, visit

Last chance to lock in lower fees for legacy resources

Last Chance to Secure the Legacy Fee Cap

Time is running out for organizations holding legacy resources to sign a Legacy Registration Services Agreement (LRSA) and become an ARIN Service Member before the fee cap expires on 31 December 2023.

All organizations with active LRSAs entered into prior to 1 January 2024 will continue to have their fees capped for legacy resources covered before that date per the annual legacy fee cap. Any legacy resources brought under agreement from 1 January 2024 forward will be covered under the regular Registration Services Plan fees with no fee cap.

We strongly encourage all legacy resource holders who have not yet signed an LRSA to consider doing so by 31 December 2023. Learn more about the legacy fee cap and the benefits of bringing resources under agreement, which include access to the full suite of enhanced ARIN services such as the Internet Routing Registry (IRR) and RPKI, read the latest reminder about the fee cap expiration. For additional information about LRSAs and services available to organizations holding legacy resources, visit the Legacy Resources page on our website.

Is your organization a governmental entity or similar institution? Check out our webpage with specific guidance on the information required for ARIN to consider limited modifications to the LRSA.

2023 Customer Satisfaction Survey Results

At ARIN, we place a heavy emphasis on learning about your experiences with our services, tools, and staff because we run the registry for YOU. To better understand the needs of our customers, this year we conducted our fourth community-wide customer satisfaction survey with the help of Rockbridge Associates, an independent contractor.

You can review the full report by Rockbridge Associates or watch or read the summary provided by Director of Customer Experience and Strategy Joe Westover at the ARIN 52 meeting.

We plan to use these survey results, along with customer feedback provided throughout the years, to continue improving our services. Thank you to all who participated in this survey or have provided feedback to ARIN through our various other feedback channels.


RPKI Just Gets Better and Better

The latest version of ARIN Online, released on 9 October, includes improvements, new features, and updates to the RPKI and IRR management systems and interfaces, along with other aspects of ARIN Online, for enhanced user-friendliness and functionality.

Read the full release notes for more information on the upgrades.

Reminder: General Member Voting Requirements

As of 1 January 2022, General Members are required to vote in an ARIN Election at least once every three years to maintain their status. Beginning with the recently concluded 2023 ARIN Elections, after each annual election General Members that did not cast a ballot in any of the previous three ARIN Elections will revert to Service Member status.

Look out in the new year for email communications to indicate this transition if your organization did not participate in the 2021, 2022, or 2023 ARIN Elections. If you’re interested in participating in future ARIN Elections, you can reinstate your organization’s General Member status (if your organization is current on all invoices) by submitting the General Member request form in ARIN Online.

ARIN 53 Fellowship Program Coming Soon; Applications Open 4 January

ARIN 53 Fellowship Program Applications Open 4 January

Are you interested in meeting other members of the ARIN community, learning about policies on the docket for ARIN 53, receiving mentorship by a member of the ARIN Advisory Council, and more? Applications will be open 4-22 January for this spring’s Fellowship Program, which includes virtual sessions before the ARIN 53 meeting in Bridgetown, Barbados, and Fellows will be selected to attend the meeting either virtually or in person at the discretion of the Fellowship Selection Committee. This program also includes funding for attending CaribNOG 27 (17-18 April) in Bridgetown upon request. 

In the meantime, check out this guest blog post by ARIN 52 Fellow Matthew Cowen for a summary of his experience and a firsthand look at what the Fellowship Program is all about. Need more reasons to attend? Read 10 shared by other past fellows.

Stay tuned to our website for ARIN 53 registration opening next month.

ARIN Community Grant Program 2022 Project Reports

Read the 2022 ARIN Community Grant Program Recipients’ Final Reports

Posts sharing the final reports from the three 2022 ARIN Community Grant Program recipients are now available on the ARIN Blog. Learn how the DNS Operations, Analysis, and Research Center, DNS Research Federation, and Network Time Foundation have been hard at work the past year using the grant funds to improve the overall Internet industry and Internet user environment.

Visit the ARIN Community Grant Program page for more information and to find out how your organization can apply in 2024.

Catch ARIN on the Road in Honolulu

We’re heading to the Big Pineapple for ARIN on the Road’s first stop of 2024! If you’re in Hawaii and want to experience our amazing community in person, learn more about ARIN, and explore what we can offer your organization, then don’t miss your chance when this special event comes to Honolulu on Tuesday, 23 January. ARIN staff will be on site to answer questions about IPv6 deployment and IPv4 status, discuss RPKI and routing security, provide an intro to the Policy Development Process, and more. Need more reasons to attend? We shared five on the blog.

Learn more and register at

Find ARIN at Upcoming Industry Meetings and Community Events

In addition to the ARIN events we host — like our Public Policy and Members Meetings and ARIN on the Road workshops — we attend many community events where you can join us to hear updates and presentations, ask us questions, get help with your ARIN account and resources, and more. Here’s where you can find us in the next few months:

For a full list of the events ARIN will be participating in, visit our Community Event Calendar online.

Here’s a tip from RSD

A Tip From Our Registration Services Department

Q: My Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) are getting ready to expire, what should I do to renew them?

A: There is some really good news when it comes to ROA expirations: Any ROA created with the updated RESTful API or ARIN Online after 13 May 2023 will auto-renew. There will be no action needed on your part to make this happen.

Please note that any ROA created using the previous RESTful API (released in 2014) will not auto-renew and will retain its existing expiration date. However, you can still take advantage of auto-renew feature. Any expiring ROA created with the previous RESTful API must be replaced with one created using the RESTful API released in 2023. This recreation of the ROA(s) in question will ensure they auto-renew in the future.

More information on the new auto-renew feature can be found in the release notes for the RESTful API update in May 2023.

Current Draft Policies and Proposals

Number Title Current Version Status Staff/Legal Review(s) Community Presentation
ARIN-2022-12 Direct Assignment Language Update 29 September 2023 Draft Policy 21 September 2023 ARIN 50, ARIN 51, ARIN 52
ARIN-2023-1 Retire Slow Start 23 May 2023 Recommended Draft Policy 6 November 2023 ARIN 52
ARIN-2023-2 /26 initial IPv4 allocation for IXPs 20 June 2023 Draft Policy None ARIN 52
ARIN-2023-4 Modernization of Registration Requirements 21 September 2023 Draft Policy 6 November 2023 ARIN 52
ARIN-2023-5 Clean-up of NRPM Sections 4.3.4, 4.4, 4.10 and 6.10.1 25 October 2023 Recommended Draft Policy 9 October 2023 ARIN 52
ARIN-2023-6 ARIN Waitlist Qualification 16 August 2023 Draft Policy None ARIN 52
ARIN-2023-7 Clarification of NRPM Sections 4.5 and 6.11 Multiple Discrete Networks 19 December 2023 Draft Policy None ARIN 52
ARIN-2023-8 Reduce 4.18 Maximum Allocation 21 November 2023 Draft Policy None

Find the status of current policy discussions on our website and subscribe to the ARIN-PPML (Public Policy Mailing List) to voice your opinions. Remember, membership is not required to participate!

Recent Posts on the ARIN Blog

Post written by:

Christina Paladeau
Social Media and Content Specialist

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