Get to Know the Draft Policies Up for Discussion at ARIN 53

Get to Know the Draft Policies Up for Discussion at ARIN 53

ARIN 53 is almost here, and we can’t wait to gather both in person and virtually! Since ARIN 52 took place last fall, four Draft Policies have been added to the docket, bringing us to a total of nine policies to be presented at ARIN 53 in Bridgetown, Barbados — four in Draft Policy status and five in Recommended Draft Policy status.

To help you prepare to engage in these important conversations, here’s a look at the Draft and Recommended Draft Policies up for discussion during the ARIN 53 Public Policy and Members Meeting, taking place 14-17 April in Bridgetown, Barbados, and online. Policies will be discussed on Monday, 15 April, and Tuesday, 16 April, so be sure to mark your calendar and register today if you’d like to participate either on site in Barbados or from home via Zoom.

Draft Policies

Draft Policies are works in progress managed by Advisory Council (AC) shepherds and presented to the community for feedback.

ARIN-2022-12: Direct Assignment Language Update. This Draft Policy takes steps toward deprecating language around “Assignments” from the Number Resource Policy Manuel (NRPM) by updating text for clarity and alignment with current ARIN practices in response to ARIN’s fee harmonization efforts.

ARIN-2023-8: Reduce 4.1.8 Maximum Allocation. In an effort to reduce wait times on the IPv4 Waiting List, this Draft Policy would reduce the maximum IPv4 block size from a /22 to a /24. Additionally, this Draft Policy also makes organizations ineligible to apply for placement on the IPv4 Waiting List if they have previously held IPv4 allocations issued from special reserved space approved under policies 4.4. Micro-allocation and/or 4.10 Dedicated IPv4 Block to Facilitate IPv6 Deployment.

ARIN-2024-1: Definition of Organization ID/Org ID. As a result of community feedback, this policy text was separated from 2023-7 to be reviewed as a stand-alone Draft Policy. This Draft Policy would add the definition of an Organization ID (Org ID) to Section 2 of the Number Resources Policy Manual (NRPM).

ARIN-2024-2: WHOIS Data Requirements Policy for Non-Personal Information. This Draft Policy attempts to clarify ARIN’s existing practice regarding organization and contact data collection and display in Whois by clearly defining what information must be provided and registered in the ARIN Whois registry.

Recommended Draft Policies are being recommended by the AC for adoption by the ARIN Board of Trustees, and this may be the last time they are available for discussion by the community at an ARIN meeting.

ARIN-2023-1: Retire Slow Start. NRPM section Slow Start bases IPv4 allocations on justified need, not solely on a predicted customer base. This Draft Policy would retire, as Slow Start has ceased to be applicable to the operations of ARIN’s registration services following the exhaustion of the free pool and the introduction and refinement of transfer policies.

ARIN-2023-4: Modernization of Registration Requirements. This Draft Policy would extend the deadline for creating IPv4 and IPv6 reassignment records from the current requirement of within seven days to within 14 days of reassignment.

ARIN-2023-5: Clean-up of NRPM Sections 4.3.4, 4.4, 4.10 and 6.10.1. This removes unnecessary wording from NRPM sections 4.3.4, 4.4, 4.10, and 6.10.1 to simplify and clarify language.

ARIN-2023-6: ARIN Waitlist Qualification. This clearly states the relationship between waiting list policy and the qualification for waiting list space based on NRPM sections 4.2 (for Internet Service Providers), section 4.3 (for end users), and section 4.5 (for Multiple Discrete Networks).

ARIN-2023-7: Clarification of NRPM Sections 4.5 and 6.11 Multiple Discrete Networks. This Draft Policy aligns NRPM sections 4.5 and 6.11 with the current style of the NRPM for better clarity and uniformity.

Participate in Our Policy Discussions

ARIN policy belongs to the community, and we encourage everyone to participate in policy discussions. We look forward to hearing your voice and ideas during ARIN 53, and we hope these explanations of the draft policies on the agenda help you feel informed enough to speak up and share your opinions — or ask any questions of our AC shepherds.

For our virtual participants, you must join the meeting via Zoom as a registered attendee to participate in policy discussions. The livestream will be available on YouTube to all who wish to view the proceedings.

Contribute to the Future of Internet Policy

If you’d like to submit your own Internet number resource policy proposal, fill out our brief template and email it to Don’t stress about wording your proposal perfectly — our AC will work with you to polish it so it can move through the Policy Development Process (PDP).

Additional resources on the PDP can be found on the following webpages:

We’ll see you at ARIN 53!

Post written by:

A photo of Eddie Diego
Eddie Diego
Policy Analyst

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