ARIN Makes Second Contribution to IETF Endowment

ARIN Makes Second Contribution to IETF Endowment

In 2015 the Internet Society (ISOC) replaced its “Open Internet Endowment” with “The Endowment for Sustainability of the Internet Engineering Task Force,” created to provide the IETF with direct financial support aimed at ensuring long-term, sustainable funding for the development, evolution, and use of open Internet protocols.

In a demonstration of ARIN’s support for the work of the IETF and the thousands of volunteer contributors from around the world who work to develop and maintain the open protocols that make the Internet possible, the ARIN Board of Trustees voted in January 2016 to approve contributing up to US$2 million to the endowment.

An initial contribution of US$1 million was made in July 2016 in coordination with contributions from other Regional Internet Registries and the Internet Society. ARIN planned to undertake a second contribution of a similar amount later, in conjunction with additional organizations contributing financial support to the endowment.

Since then, the IETF restructured itself and became a distinct entity from the Internet Society, and the endowment was transferred to the IETF LLC and renamed the “IETF Endowment.”

In 2021, the Internet Society established a matching program for IETF contributions, and in October of 2023, the ARIN Board voted to approve a gift of the remaining pledged funds. ARIN’s second contribution of US$1 million was made to the IETF Endowment today, reflecting the steadfast commitment by the ARIN community to the Internet protocols and related work of the IETF.

The IETF is a neutral, global standards-setting body for the Internet, in which any individual with technical competency can participate. IETF standards are reached by rough consensus, informed by running code, and made freely available. These open protocols based on technical excellence ensure the Internet is able to evolve at a global scale and that small-to-midsize companies and entrepreneurs anywhere in the world are on equal footing with the large technology companies.

ARIN strongly encourages its fellow organizations in the Internet community to make their own contributions to the IETF Endowment, helping support efforts that are critical to advancing the technical foundation for the global Internet today and in the future. Individuals can also take part by offering support through a donation online today.

Details about the IETF Endowment can be found online at:

Post written by:

A photo of John Curran
John Curran
President and CEO, ARIN

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