Are You on the List?
ARIN relies on digital mailing lists to inform and engage with customers and the community. To ensure subscribers of each list receive the information they need, we have recently updated our content curation and publication strategy. As you reorganize your inbox and subscriptions for 2025, let’s talk about which ARIN mailing lists are most useful for you.
The Core Content
When encountering customers at ARIN or other industry events, I always tell them that all customers should be following at least these two mailing lists: ARIN Announce (arin-announce) and the Public Policy Mailing List (PPML).
As of January 2025, we have streamlined our publication criteria for arin-announce to limit it to information that is relevant to all customers and community members. This includes information about ARIN Elections, meetings and events, policy updates, service notifications, and training opportunities. PPML remains a critical component of ARIN’s Policy Development Process, and, whether you actively participate or simply observe the discussion, it contains dialog that has a direct impact on all customer organizations.
The rest of our mailing lists are no less important — they simply exist to serve special purposes. Here’s an overview of the options to help you decide which would be most useful to you and your organization.
More Specialized Options
Read all about it!
ARIN’s read-only lists provide reports and updates for special interests and needs.
- ARIN Issued provides a daily report of IPv4, IPv6, and Autonomous System Number resources issued directly by ARIN and of resources returned to ARIN’s free pool.
- ARIN Suggestions provides updates on new suggestions submitted via the ARIN Consultation and Suggestion Process (ACSP) along with ARIN’s responses.
Share your thoughts…
ARIN’s open discussion lists provide us with invaluable input to help us serve you better.
- ARIN Technical Discussions informs customers of updates to ARIN’s operational test and evaluation environment (OT&E) and allows for discussion related to customer-built tools on top of ARIN’s services such as Registration RESTful Service (Reg-RWS), Domain Name System Security (DNSSEC), Registry Data Access Protocol (RDAP), the Internet Routing Registry (IRR), and the OT&E.
- ARIN Consultations gathers feedback on active consultations and publishes consultation results. In the past, updates on consultations also appeared on arin-announce. Under our new strategy, all consultation-related content will be limited to this mailing list. Subscribe to this list if you want to share your feedback on future consultations!
- General Members is a forum for the discussion of topics relevant to ARIN’s governance. Participation is limited to individuals from General Member organizations, and posts from ARIN to this list are intended to spur discussion and engagement from these members. We will no longer be duplicating posts from arin-announce to this list, and we look forward to more interaction with General Members in this forum.
Not sure what type of ARIN Member your organization is?
Check your membership status in your ARIN Online account. If your organization is currently eligible to request General Membership, you can access the General Member request form through the ‘Actions’ drop down menu. For more detailed instructions and to learn more about ARIN’s membership structure, read the blog post “ARIN Membership Explained: What It Means and Why It Matters.”
Time to Subscribe
To subscribe (or unsubscribe) from any of these mailing lists, simply visit our Mailing Lists page and choose the list you’re interested in on the left-hand navigation menu. Then, click the ‘Subscribe’ (or ‘Unsubscribe’) hyperlink for that list to be taken to a form for entering and submitting your information.
Alternatively, you can send an email to [listname]-subscribe@arin.net from the account you would like to subscribe from and include the word “subscribe” (or “unsubscribe”) in the body of your email. For example, to subscribe to the Public Policy Mailing List (PPML), send an email with the word “subscribe” in the body to arin-ppml-subscribe@arin.net.
Want to receive the latest ARIN Blog content to your inbox, too?
Visit https://www.arin.net/blog/signup/ to subscribe to the ARIN Blog mailing list.
To use ARIN mailing lists, all participants must adhere to the ARIN Participants Expected Standards of Behavior. Please review the Standards of Behavior before using. Publicly viewable archives of our mailing lists are available on the ARIN website, with links for each list’s archive provided on the Mailing Lists page.
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