Streamlining Routing Security with ARIN’s New IRR Auto-Manager

Streamlining Routing Security with ARIN’s New IRR Auto-Manager

With our latest software release on 13 January 2025, ARIN completed its work on the IRR Auto-Manager. We encourage ARIN Online users to take advantage of this new suite of tools to help manage the interconnection between Internet Routing Registry (IRR) and Resource Public Key Infrastructure (RPKI) data.

Historically, resource holders created IRR route objects and RPKI Route Origin Authorizations (ROAs) separately, using different systems with different data requirements and understanding. Now, thanks to the IRR Auto-Manager, matching route objects can be created alongside ROAs and the two can be linked together and kept consistent with a much simpler process.

New Features and Opportunities

After a formal consultation, ARIN laid out a plan to develop a suite of features, collectively known as RPKI/IRR Integration. This included functionality to allow users to automatically create linked IRR route objects upon ROA generation and to automatically remove linked route objects upon ROA deletion.

Screenshot of the RPKI:IRR Auto-Manager in ARIN Online

This feature in ARIN Online provides users with an Org-by-Org global setting, saving time and energy by automating the creation and deletion of matching IRR route objects.

The ‘Sync-Up Tool’ is another exciting feature, which allows an organization to easily create and link IRR route objects to match their existing ROAs.

Screenshot of Create/Link Matching IRR Route Objects for Your ROas in ARIN Online

To use this new feature, select existing ROAs in this table in ARIN Online to create and/or link matching IRR route objects and significantly enhance the routing security for your resources.

If you have any questions about the IRR Auto-Manager or Sync-Up Tool, please email

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Post written by:

Brad Gorman
Director of Customer Technical Services

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