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ARIN Bits: June 2019

ARIN Bits: June 2019

 • Kim Kelly

The June 2019 edition of our quarterly e-news update, ARIN Bits, is here! Learn what we have been up to this past quarter including information about upcoming events, statistics, new policies, and more.

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ARIN’s RDAP and Whois Services: Getting the Information You Need

ARIN’s RDAP and Whois Services: Getting the Information You Need

 • Kerry Carmichael

You've been using a “Whois” tool for years to look up network-related information. There have been some recent changes at ARIN to our search services, and you might be wondering what tools ARIN now provides to look up public registration data for Internet resources. Here’s a quick primer to let you know about what we offer.

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From Austin to Louisville to Seattle: We Can’t Do It Without You!

From Austin to Louisville to Seattle: We Can’t Do It Without You!

 • Melissa Goodwin

In order to make ARIN Meetings the best they can be, we need the support of organizations like yours! We're seeking sponsors for our upcoming meetings in Austin, Lousiville and Seattle. Here's a look at the benefits of sponsoring an ARIN meeting!

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Library Framework Setup for IPv6

Library Framework Setup for IPv6

 • Aaron G. Lusk

Aaron G. Lusk, Network Systems Engineer, explains why the San Joaquin Valley Library System decided to deploy IPv6 and shares his advice for those looking to enable IPv6 on their own network.

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Taking a Hard Line on Fraud

Taking a Hard Line on Fraud

 •  Stephen M. Ryan & Sam C. Neel

ARIN is committed to protecting the resources entrusted to us. Stephen M. Ryan, ARIN General Counsel, shares how ARIN's staff actively investigates suspected cases of fraud, and what you should do if you suspect fraud.

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Tier 1 Providers Must Offer IPv6

Tier 1 Providers Must Offer IPv6

 • Kevin Pack

Kevin Pack, Senior Engineer at NTT, shares why he believes its imperative that global internet providers offer IPv6 to their customers and explains some of benefits NTT has seen after deploying IPv6.

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IPv6 Outreach at ARIN

IPv6 Outreach at ARIN

 • John Curran

Over the years, our IPv6 outreach efforts have taken many forms, from direct customer outreach to appearances at tradeshows. John Curran, ARIN President & CEO shares what the future looks like as we continue to evolve our IPv6 messaging and outreach efforts.

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Should I Apply for a New ARIN Community Grant?

Should I Apply for a New ARIN Community Grant?

 • Jennifer Bly

We just launched a brand-new ARIN Community Grant Program! Wondering if you should apply for one of these grants? Jennifer Bly, Public Relations Specialist, walks us through the program to help you determine if you should apply.

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How Does ARIN Handle Reports of Route Hijacking?

How Does ARIN Handle Reports of Route Hijacking?

 • John Sweeting

We take reports of route hijacking very seriously, and do whatever we can to address these issues. John Sweeting, Senior Director of Registration Services, explains the steps his team takes when they receive a report.

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