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Apply Today for the ARIN 52 Fellowship Program

Apply Today for the ARIN 52 Fellowship Program

 • Amanda Gauldin

The call for applications to our ARIN 52 Fellowship Program goes out today! Amanda Gauldin, Community Programs Manager, shares more about what you can expect in this program, why you should consider applying, and what past Fellows have to say about the experience.

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Fellowship, Round Two: From Virtual to Hybrid

Fellowship, Round Two: From Virtual to Hybrid

 • Lou DeVictoria

A returning ARIN Fellow shares how his experience in the ARIN 51 hybrid-format program differed from and expanded on his participation in the ARIN 50 virtual Fellowship.

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ARIN Bits: June 2023

ARIN Bits: June 2023

 • Christina Paladeau

Settle into your lounge chair and drink in this fresh edition of ARIN Bits, which includes updates on our action-packed second quarter and what to expect in the rest of the year. Read up on a wave of new processes, programs, and service upgrades along with ARIN Elections details, the 2022 Annual Report, upcoming industry events, and much more.

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ARIN Election Education: Nominations 101

ARIN Election Education: Nominations 101

 • Jason Byrne

Who can make nominations? What should a nominee expect throughout the timeline? How are nominees classified, and what qualifications are sought? Whether you’re thinking about running for a seat or just want to understand how the ARIN Election process works, check out this overview of all the key information.

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Do You Really Need an Org Recovery?

Do You Really Need an Org Recovery?

 • Lisa Liedel

Depending on your circumstances, if your Administrative or Technical Points of Contact are no longer with your organization and you need to add yourself as the new one, better or more cost-effective options than an Org Recovery request may be available for solving the problem.

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An Inside Look at the ARIN 51 Fellowship Program

An Inside Look at the ARIN 51 Fellowship Program

 • Dustin Moses

Read about the engaging and inspiring experience of an ARIN Fellow in this spring’s hybrid-format program.

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IPv6 Success Stories Shared in ARIN 51 Panel

IPv6 Success Stories Shared in ARIN 51 Panel

 • Christina Paladeau

Read a summary of the informative presentations and discussion that took place during the IPv6 panel we hosted at ARIN 51 last month — including the case studies, lessons learned, and more shared by our five panelists with deployment experience.

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ARIN 51 Keynote Address Shares 25 Years of Production IPv6 Experience

ARIN 51 Keynote Address Shares 25 Years of Production IPv6 Experience

 • Christina Paladeau

Read a summary of the insightful presentation from Virginia Tech IT staffers that took place during the IPv6 Success Stories keynote we hosted at ARIN 51 last month — including encouragement, calls to action, and tips and tricks for deploying IPv6.

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ARIN’s Inaugural Caribbean Roundtable Cultivates Support for Internet Development

ARIN’s Inaugural Caribbean Roundtable Cultivates Support for Internet Development

 • Christina Paladeau

At the conclusion of the ARIN 51 meeting last week, ARIN hosted its first Caribbean Roundtable to provide a forum for participants to discuss Internet development priorities, trends, and the implications for the region. Here’s a look at who was there, what they shared, and the success of this inaugural event.

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